Learn Online at your leisure
Over 400 (ad-free) step-by step tutorial videos covering 20 plus sets of Tai Chi and Qigong, Meditation and Mindfulness.
Suitable for all, but if you have any pre-existing health issues please check with your doctor that it's safe to participate
There will be one new Zoom class recording added each month for Video Subscribers. Each video is a full class, including warm-up, theory, movement tutorial & follow me's of the movements.
If you'd like to receive sequential WEEKLY Zoom class recordings delivered to your email inbox shortly after the live Zoom class happens, or attend the class in real-time as it happens, then ask us about weekly Zoom classes and recordings
January 2025 NEW 11/1
whole Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
December 2024 NEW 11/1
Whole Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong
November 2024
Mixed Qigong 'Pairs' - movements you'll know from various sets
October 2024
ShiBaShi 18 Taiji Qigong 2nd Set slowly, in full
August 2024
Various Qigongs and a meditative Shaolin exercise to finish
May 2024
A few Yang Sheng Gongs, SEATED Ba Duan Jin, STRESS BALL Ba Duan Jin, full sets.
April 2024
The FULL Ba Duan Jin follow me to official music and a few other random Qigongs :)
March 2024
Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong - last movements and whole form follow along
Feb 2024
6 Healing Sounds - Liu Zi Jue last movement and full set
2023 Zoom recordings
Dec 2023
Shaolin Yi Jin Jing Qigong Follow me, plus (most of) ShiBaShi 3rd set
August 18th Zoom Recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set in full
& Tiger / mountain
August 4th Zoom Recording
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong full set
July 14th Zoom recording
ShiBaShi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
June 29/30 Zoom recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
May 18/19 Zoom recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
May 11/12 Zoom recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
May 4/5 Zoom recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
April 27/28 Zoom recording
Shi Ba Shi 3rd set
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong
April 20/21 Zoom recording
CLICK HERE to view this 55 min recording covering:
Wudang 13: 1,4,8. Daoyin YSG 1,2,3. Shi Ba Shi 3: 1 & 2
March 30/31 Zoom recording
CLICK HERE to view this 50 min recording covering:
Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong follow me and mix-set 'Moon' qigong - movements, from various sets, with 'moon' in their title.
March 30th (Thurs) Zoom recording
CLICK HERE to view this 50 min recording covering:
Yi Jin Jing qigong full set follow me
Mix Set: brush shoes, separating heaven & earth, phoenix heralds dawn, Wei Tuo presents pestle, Present lotus at temple, Swirling water, Opening the door
February 23rd (Thurs) Zoom recording
CLICK HERE to view this 1 hour class recording covering:
ShiBaShi warm up and loosening
Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong # 10
Yi Jin Jing to #10 Tiger Springing
February 17th (Fri) Zoom class
CLICK HERE to view this 55 min class recording covering:
Warm Up
Movement 9 of Yi Jin Jing - Dragon Claws
Movements 1-9 of Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong
2022 Zoom class recordings
CLICK HERE to view 7th December Zoom recording covering
Warm Up
Last 3 of Yang Sheng Gong in detail
A half-hour mix-set follow me using movements from
MaWangDui, Shi Ba Shi and Yi Jin Jing
CLICK HERE to view 1st December Zoom recording covering:
Nine Temple Qigong Exercises follow me
Vision Improvement Qigong follow me
CLICK HERE to view 24th November Zoom recording covering:
5 min warm up
Shi-ba Shi 3rd set (second half)
Yang Sheng Gong (first half)
Click HERE to view 17 November Zoom recording covering:
Short warm up
ShiBaShi 3rd set 7 to 14
Yang Sheng Gong 1 to 10
Click HERE to view the 6th October Zoom recording covering:
Warm Up - using a few shibashi movements
Stress Ball Brocades - full set follow me
Vision Improvement Qigong - full set follow me
Click Here to view the 9 September Zoom recording covering:
Warm up / new stretching sequence
Vision Improvement Qigong learning the movements
Stress Ball Qigong learning the movements
Click HERE to view the 16 August Zoom recording covering:
Warm Up
Ma Wang Dui/ medical Qigong
Ba Duan Jin/ 8 brocades
Yi Jin Jing / Muscle Tendon Metamorphosis
Thought to originate from an Eagle Claw Kung Fu internal practice, but the Kung Fu teacher I learned it from isn't sure! Anyway, it's definitely one of my students' favourites and we often finish a class with this short sequence - Enjoy!
When you practice indoors be aware of the additional reach you have with your
stick and be careful not to damage anything in your room. Be especially careful of
light fittings or other appliances as there could be a risk of electrical shock - only
use a wooden stick indoors, not a metal one for this reason
2 Circle Backward & Forward (guo & liao),
ZOOM STICK COURSE: 4 x 50 min classes covering the whole form in depth
Stick Class 1 - sorry this video is missing! use 1 & 2 in the list above
This set can be performed seated on a chair, or standing up
Introduction, Preparing Form and Movement 1: Spring
Movements 1,2,3 follow along with me
Movement 5 Lion (and follow me 1-4)
Don't attempt follow me sequences until you have safely learnt the requirements of the movements from the tutorial videos listed above the follow-me, to prevent injury
Introduction and Background info
1. Draw the Bow (Lung meridian)
2. Stretch the Back to stimulate Large Intestine
Follow-Me first 3 (assuming you've learnt the movements first)
Follow me 1-6 with and without instructions
12 Phoenix saluting the people
Full Set follow me NEW 2/7 (only attempt this after learning above movements)
Note: This is NOT the same as the Traditional Shaolin Yi Jin Jing see further down for the Traditional version
Introduction to CHQA Yi Jin Jing (5 mins - just watch once)
Preparing - The Three Regulations Body, Mind, Breath
4. Pluck a Star & Exchange a Star Cluster
5. Pulling nine cows by their tails
8 Three plates falling on floor
9 Black Dragon displaying claws
12 Wagging the tail and closing
Please don't attempt the full set follow me or any movement you have not learnt in detail, until you have covered each movement in class or from the video tutorials
By exercising the eye focus / gaze we can improve eyesight and also influence the health of the whole body. The mind is used to lead the energy in this internal set of exercises which is based upon the 5 Element theory of Chinese Medicine. Each movement includes exercise for the body and for the eyes
1. Wood Exercise to smooth the Liver & Gall Bladder Qi Flows
2. Fire Exercise to activate the Heart & Small Intestine Qi Flows
3. Earth Exercise to support the Stomach & Spleen Qi Flows
4. Metal Exercise to adjust the Lung & Large Intestine Qi Flows
5. Water Exercise to lubricate the Kidney & Bladder Qi Flows
Mindfulness Meditations
20 Minute Body Scan Meditation
10 Minute Mindfulness of the Breath Meditation
30 starlings and a brie and cranberry sandwich ;-P NEW Nov 2023
A Six-Part, Taoist Healing Qigong, Meditation
Qigong Meditation 1 & 2: Body Healing / Mind Cleansing
Qigong Meditation 3: Five Coloured Lights /Re energise the organs
Qigong Meditation 4: Inner Tranquility /Embryonic Breathing
Qigong Meditation 5: Golden Light / Spiritual Awareness
Qigong Meditation 6: Dedication /Chant
Various Individual Guided Meditations
Sunrise / Sunset Inner Smile guided meditation
Balancing the Chakras - 10 minute guided meditation
Morning spontaneous loosening autumn sunshine and joyfulness
A new guided meditation to relax and restore
Expressions and Emotions - Changing how we feel
Floor based stretches/relaxation/joke/ story/ meditation & a cat
Mudras (power hand seals / positions) for Meditation
Inner Smile (Sunset Visualisation) Meditation - 15 mins
Seated Exercises 2 - Five Animal Health Qigong (partial)
Morning meditation in the garden
Listening to Sounds meditation
What causes suffering / discontent and can we stop it?
Metta - Loving Kindness meditation
A 15 Minute Meditation- energy centres
Eckhart Tolle - a meditation for times of crisis
Starting a meditation practice & a 10 minute meditation
Om Mane Padme Hum ( Tai Chi Qigong Sanctuary)
Longtime Sun (Qigong End Music)
Aad Guray (Qigong/ Meditation)
1st Set
Follow me whole set with music (After studying tutorials above)
18 Taiji-Qigong
2nd Set
Follow Along -whole set (after studying tutorials below)
18 Gathering Qi to Dantian and closing
14 Embracing the Moon at the Dantian
13 Golden Lion playing with a ball
12. Crossing the wild blue ocean
11. Double dragons come out of the water
Follow along first half of the form, to #9
10. Pull the Bow to Shoot the Eagle
9. Yellow Dragon Displaying Claws
8. Holy Crane Worshipping the Moon
7: Daoist Boy Extinguishes Fire / Stretching the Leg
4: Searching for Needles at Sea Bottom
1,2,3: Regulating Qi, Circulating Qi, Wind Blowing the Willows
Qi Theory: Yin and Yang Flows and Pathways
18 Taiji-Qigong
3rd Set
Click here to follow along with full set - after studying tutorials below
17 Circulate Qi energy at lower Dantian
12 Threading the golden needle
11 Immortal points to the moon
10 Connecting the three treasures
9 Serpent Ascends to Third Eye - More info
9 Serpent Ascends to Third Eye
8 Crouching Tiger Lifts It's Head
7 Blooming Lotus Bows to the earth
6 Dragon Sits On Tail - More info
5 Dragons Morning Stretch - More Info
4 Clouds Circle Mountain - More info
A short floor based routine in 3 parts
Introduction and background info (a short 3 minute watch)
Part 1 - Preparing and Ingesting the Elixir of Immortality
Part 2 - Massage to warm the body and activate Qi
Various short sequences for Flexibility, Core Strength, Good Posture & Relaxation
Seated Ba Duan Jin- 8 pieces of brocade
Zen Sanctuary Seated Stretches
Chair Based Meditative Stretches for all
Fire Path Part 2 -Adding the movement
Fire Path' Part 1 - The Breathing Technique
Seated 5 Animals - one exercise for each animal
Tracing the 12 Meridians / The Meridian Clock
Each meridian has a path, a function and an affirmation,
Tracing the 12 with affirmations to balance body / energy / spirit
Tracing the 12 Pathways (no affirmations)
11 & 12 Gall Bladder and Liver
9 & 10 Pericardium and Triple Burner
Follow me and trace the first 6 Meridians
5 & 6 Heart & Small Intestine Meridians
3 & 4 Stomach & Spleen Meridians
1 & 2 Lung & Large Intestine Meridians
Introduction - please watch this one first
Various Qigong sequences and sets in a FOLLOW ALONG format
For the teaching breakdowns for some of these sets see relevant teaching sections below. Beginners should review the teaching videos first for safe practice and approach their practice slowly, without forcing or straining
Mon Fri Zoom class recording Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong & ShiBaShi 1
One hour Zoom class recording - Shaolin exercises: seated / standing
Joint loosening with music -12 mins - from a recent Zoom class
Spinal Stretches in the snow - follow me sequence with music
Dragon Qigong exercises - follow me sequence with music
Tiger Qigong exercises - follow me sequence with music
Bird Qigong exercises - follow me with music
Yang Sheng Gong full set with music
Shi Ba Shi Second set - 18 Movement Taiji Qigong -whole form
Shi Ba Shi, SECOND Set: 18 Movement Taiji-Qigong- first half only
Shi Ba Shi, First Set: 18 Movement Taiji-Qigong
Traditional Yi Jin Jing - Muscle Tendon Metamorphosis
Ba Duan Jin - 8 Sections of Brocade / 8 Pieces of Gold / 8 Precious Treasures
Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong- Wudang Life Force-Nourishing exercises
Qigong mixed-sequence from 2017 classes
Brushing the Shoes, Separating Heaven & Earth, Phoenix Heralds the Dawn
Miscellaneous General Qigong TUTORIALS - the movements broken down bit by bit:
mini-sets and your favourite movements from longer sets
Joint loosening #3 (December 2020) - some new exercises
Joint loosening #2 everyday routine- easy to follow
Five movement Qigong sequence using movements from ShiBaShi2
MaWangDui Opening Movement - great for soothing the mind
Returning to Mountain- Energy boosting set part 2
Embracing Tiger - Energy boosting set part 1
What is Qi, Qigong & Tai Chi (a talk)
Joint Loosening Exercises / warm up - everyday practice
Soothing Qigong set 'Bens Qigong' often practiced at end of class
NEW Six Healing Sounds Qigong
1. Xu - Liver
2. He - Heart
3. Hu - Spleen
4. Si - Lungs
5. Chui - Kidneys
6. Xi - Triple Burner and FULL FORM follow along
Ba Duan Jin Health Boosting Qigong
8 Sections of Brocade
Ba Duan Jin follow me FULL SET.....
8: Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure (100) Diseases
7: Thrusting Fists and making eyes glare to enhance strength
6: Holding the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys
5: Swinging the Head and Lowering the Body to relieve Stress
4: Looking back to prevent sickness and strain & to tonify Liver Qi
3: Holding one hand aloft to regulate functions of Stomach & Spleen
2: Posing as an archer shooting left & right handed to fortify Lung Qi
1: Holding the hands aloft to benefit the san jiao / triple burner (internal organs
Five Animal Play Health Boosting Qigong
Wu Qin Xi
Tiger / Deer /Bear/ Monkey / Bird (Crane)
Full set follow along- official Health Boosting Qigong performance (You Tube)
Full set. Follow Cherry, Xmas Day 2020 on Lancing Beach
MONKEY PLAY 2: Monkey Picking Fruit
MONKEY PLAY 1: Monkey lifting paws
BEAR PLAY 2: Bear Swaying
BEAR PLAY 2: Bear Swaying
BEAR PLAY 1: Bear Rotating Waist
DEER PLAY 2: Deer Running
DEER PLAY 1: Deer colliding with antlers
TIGER PLAY 1 & 2: 1 Tiger stretches claws & 2 Tiger seizes prey
Wudang 13 Yang Sheng Gong
Life Force Nourishing Exercises:
Take it easy, don't force the movements
Improves strength & flexibility, boosts immunity & improves general good health
Follow along 1 - The graceful Master Zhang Guang Ping (Beijing)
Follow along 2 Cherry practicing with Master Zhang's group in Beijing
13. Golden Boy sets the starts and shakes the earth
12.. Immortals traverse the Spiritual Mountains
10. Old Sage gazes West & East to increase his wisdom
8. Exchanging the energies of Heaven & Earth in Ren & Du
7. Jiao Long looks back at the beach
5. Massaging to warm the Gall Bladder Channel
4. Invite Qi of Heaven & Earth through the 100 Channels
3. Swinging the Celestial pillar to improve comfort
1. & 2 Turning left and right passing Kunming and (2) Tilting the
head forwards and backwards to face the sky
Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong: For those with some experience of Tai Chi or Qigong
A collection of Yang Sheng Gong movements
from various sets
Opening form, 1 Open the door & 2 Swirling Water
Movement 3 - Lotus Bows & Bends to Earth
Movement 5 - Brushing the shoes
Movement 6 - Ji Chang shoots a louse
Movement 7 - Blue Dragon Hides in the Water
Movement 8 - Rhinoceros Gazes at Moon
Movement 9 - Old Horse is Stabled
Movement 10 - Double Fish hung on a wall
Movement 11 - Yellow Dragon Displays Claws
Movement 12 - Golden Rooster stands on one leg
Movement 13 - Wild Goose landing on beach
Movement 14 - White Crane flies high in the sky
Movement 15 - Phoenix salutes the people
FOLLOW ME - Movements 13, 14, 15
FOLLOW ME FULL SET (technical)
Shaolin Yoga: - suitable for all, but take it slow and easy
Traditional Yi Jin Jing
Muscle Tendon Metamorphosis
Yi Jin Jing follow me - full set
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #15 Splashing with Water & closing
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #14 Looking Behind to Search for Foes
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #13 Tiger Seizes Prey
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #12 Pulling 9 Cows by the Tails
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #11 Wagging The Tail part 2
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #11 Wagging The Tail part 1
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #10 Ghosts Drawing Swords
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #9 Pushing the Mountain
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #8 Dragon Rolling in the Clouds
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #6b/ 7 Picking up Sacks of Grain
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #6 Lifting 1000lbs
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #5 Flying Like a Crane
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #5b Flying Like a Crane (additional info)
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #4 Beauty Combing Hair
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #3 Pluck a Star Exchange a Star Cluster
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #2 Wei Tuo Presents the Pestle 2 & 3
Yi Jin Jing Breakdown #1 Wei Tuo Presents the Pestle 1
Shaolin Da Li Jin Gang Zhang - suitable for all
Shaolin Powerful Guardian Warrior Palm
Please watch the INTRO video and learn the Closing and Preparing movements before attempting to learn the numbered movements of this set
Throwing Palm (#7) Demonstration only
Repelling Earth Palm (#3) & Lifting Sky Iron Palm (#4)
Opening Sequence, Pushing Water (#1) & Separating Bamboo (#2)
Closing Movement - learn me first and ALWAYS close the set down to finish
Info about this set - please watch me first
Shaolin Luohan 13 Palms - for experienced learners only
Full Set Follow me - from a recent Zoom class
8 Luohan Holds the Tiger's Head
5 Luohan Catches the Falling Leaves
1. Opening form and Luohan Chops Wood
Presenting the Lotus at the Temple - Shaolin Qigong
A short (single video) sequence for the purpose of connecting and cultivating one's Jing (Essence) Qi (Energy) and Shen (Spirit)
Tutorial and follow me (mixed with start of Yi Jin Jing)
BEIJING 24 Tai Chi Chuan
Section 1 - Beginners
Getting Started with Foundations and Technique
New Loosening / Stretching / Warm Up routine for everyone
Posture & basic TaiChi stepping, plus meet my cat ;-P
Empty Step and simple White Crane exercise
Changing Direction, using the 'rock-step'
Adding Rolling the Ball arms to the rock step
Starting the Beijing 24 Tai Chi form:
2. Parting the Wild Horses Mane
After completing the first 6 videos in the list above, beginners can continue with the set as taught for Improvers, below.
Section 2 - Improvers
1. Beijing 24 Opening & Part Wild Horses Mane
2,3 Beijing 24 White Crane Spreads Wings & Brush Knee Press Forwards
5 Beijing 24 Step Back Repulse Monkey
6,7 Beijing 24 Grasp The Sparrows Tail L & R
9, 10 Beijing 24 Cloud Hands & 2nd Single Whip
11 Beijing 24 High Pat on the Horse
12 Beijing 24 Box Ears and Right Heel Kick
13 Beijing 24 Turn, kick with left heel & prepare
14-15 Beijing 24 Snake Creeps Down & Golden Rooster Stands on one Leg, LEFT side
16 & 17 Snake and Rooster Right Side NEW 5-11-24
Beijing 24 Snake Creeps Down - 10 things to check and practice
18 Beijing 24 Fair Lady Working at Shuttles
19 Beijing 24 Needle to Sea Bottom
20 Beijing 24 - Flash Through Back
21 Beijing 24 Turn press parry punch
22-24 Beijing 24 Apparent close-up & cross hands & form closing movement
Beijing 24 - Whole Form with Cherry plus voice prompts and music
Beijing 24 - Full form practice / demos and other B24 stuff
Click here for the names of each movement in English and Chinese THEN click the arrow at the end of each name to hear the Chinese pronunciation
Beijing 24 Whole Form - Back View - Master Tary (Faye's husband)
Beijing 24 Whole Form - Front view - Master Faye Yip
Beijing 24 - Cherry & teacher in China 2011 - notice his different style
B24 Form Practice at Mytchett 18/3/20
B24 Form practice 2018 - notice the improvement since then ;)
B24 Zoom help - Some changes of direction for learning online
Three Common Taiji mistakes in Beijing 24
Joint loosening / stretches #3
Joint loosening / warm up exercises #2
Joint Loosening / warm up exercises #1
Yang 18 Taiji Fan - September 2022
Tai Chi Single Fan Form (Yang Style) 2016 Aldershot seminar
For more Taiji weapons demos see Chen Taiji section just below
ALL principles apply to both Chen and Yang (Beijing)
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 10, Stillness in Movement
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 9, Use Mind Intent, not Strength
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 8, The Six Harmonies
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 7, Upper and Lower body cooperate
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 6, Continuous, not broken
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 5, Distinguish empty and full
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 4, Relax /Loosen Waist and Hips
Tai Chi principles Yang Style 1,2,3 Head, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Elbows
Tai Chi principles, Chen Style method #4 CHEN- Sunken, Heavy and Rooted
Tai Chi principles, Chen Style method #3 DING Upright, Head Suspended
Tai Chi principles, Chen Style method #2 PENG Expanded outwards like a ball
Tai Chi principles, Chen Style method #1 SONG- Loosen the Body & Relax
For experienced learners only
Do not attempt movements from this section unless you have taken
corresponding Chen Style Taijiquan lessons
Chen Taiji Weapons
The Thirteen Techniques Of Chen Straight Sword
These videos will help students to identify which technique is which, along with the Chinese name. They should give students a broad idea of the requirements of each technique. A more in depth look at each technique can then be provided in class, building on these basics:
Part 1: Stab (Ci), Scoop (Liao), Hang (Gua), Supporting block (Jia)
Part 2: Lift (Tuo), Point (Dian), Neutralise (Hua), Slice (Mo)
Part 3: Jie (Intercept), Pi (Cut), Sao (Sweep), Tui (Push), Zha (Plunge)
Chen Taiji Straight Sword (Jian) Form demo by Cherry
Other Chen Weapons
Chen Broadsword techniques NEW 8/24
Chen Broadsword / Sabre (Dao) Form - A slow walk and talk through
Chen Taiji Hand Form Videos
(See section above for Tai Chi Principles)
Laojia Yi Lu music with spoken form names in Chinese
Chen Juan - Chen TJQ Ba Fa chan si jin (8 methods silk reeling)
Master Wang Haijun Seminar Farnborough (Nov 2015)
High Pat on Horse - Gao Tan Ma
Shan Tong Bei - Flash Through Back
NEW Joint loosening / warm up routine, for a change
London Tai Chi Competition - Silver Medal Group Form - SHTC Students
London Tai Chi Competition - Gold Medal Group Form - Cherry & Chums
Cloud Hands - supplemental info- watch first before the one below
Silk Reeling- Peng Lu Ji An- follow me
First 5 movements of Laojia Follow me slowly
A peek inside my notebooks #1: Body requirements and standing meditation
Joint Loosening Exercises / warm up - everyday practice
A Brief History of Chen Taiji and a peek at my practice space (2013)
Everything Else
A more lighthearted section
Kung Fu School - The times I sang & the times I bled
Sunday Bathroom Ramblings, with Billy
2016 China Trip - Chen Village Day 1: Training...Training...Training
2016 China Trip - Beijing-Zhengzhou-Wenxian-Chenjiagou
2016 China Trip Day 5: Beijing Beihai, Zhonghai & Nanhai Parks
2016 China Trip Day 4: Beijing Parks and 2 pairs of wet pants
2016 China Trip Days 1-3: UK to Beijing
Pelvic Floor Exercises (for ladies) - Lets DO them
Link to 2011 and 2013 Training in China Blogs - (not a video)
Floor and Gym Ball based stretches
Archery! Come down to the woods with me!
The Power of the Mind - looking at some of my books on the topic
Lockdown Training - Me and a friend messing around
Another look around my garden 23 April - 4 weeks on
A peek at my Tai Chi & Qigong book collection
Me, relaxing (Warning cute cat / soppy smile content)
A lesson from an almost-dead fish
Bedroom Deep Breathing (Lung strengthening exercise)
Stretches for legs and core strengthening postures
A quick look around my little garden